Kinder Tap/Ballet

Age: Kindergarten
50 minutes​

This class builds on the basic skills developed in Discover Dance classes but is still appropriate for the first time dancer. Students will enjoy learning tap and ballet terminology and skills through fun dance games and activities.

Dancers will perform one tap and one ballet routine in the year-end recital.

Dress code:
Girls: Plain black leotard, pink tights, pink leather ballet slippers, tan tap shoes
Plain white or black t-shirt, athletic shorts (any color), socks, black tap and ballet shoes

Tuition: $60.00/mo (10 installments)
Tuition for one class per week is $600.00 per year plus a one-time Annual Registration Fee of $35 per family. Tuition will be billed in 10 installments of $60.00 each starting in September.